【同义词辨析】 2017-07-13 传奇myth-legend

myth: is varied in application and connotation and can apply to a fanciful explanation as of a natural phenomenon, social practice, or belief: ~s of ancient Greece; or a story, belief, or notion commonly held to be true but utterly without fact: the ~ that money buys happiness.   fancy想象幻想: 发自个人愿望而不受事实约束的想象suggests an imagining often unrestrained by factual reality but spurred by desires,如fancy himself a super star幻想自己是巨星)

legend: typically applies to a story, incident, or notion attached to a particular person or place that purports to be historical though in fact unverifiable or incredible: the ~ of Paul Bunyan.   purport声称=claim,如she is not the person she purports to be她不是自己宣称的那种人; 还表示意义目的=purpose,如the purport of existence存在的意义 保罗班杨Paul Bunyan是美国传说中的伐木巨人,力大无穷,伐木快如割草。 罗宾汉Robin Hood是英国传说中劫富济贫、箭无虚发的侠盗。 佐罗Zorro是南美传说中神出鬼没,身兼总督和侠客双重身份的侠士,阿兰德龙最有名的角色。 另外黑郁金香,花木兰,蝙蝠侠,蜘蛛人,超人,忍者神龟,功夫熊猫都可以被称作传奇legend。

saga: may refer to a long, continued, heroic story that deals with a person or a group and is historical OR legendary OR a mixture of both: the building of the railroad was part of the great ~ of the West.   最有名的saga是北欧海盗传奇,也是这个词的原意

myth神话: 对自然现象社会习俗信仰的完全发自幻象的解释,或人们认为正确但不符合事实的想法故事观念(如德军不可战胜,金钱能买幸福),legend传奇: 指关于某人某地故事,被说成是史实,但无法确认难以置信,saga长篇故事传奇: 表示长篇连续的英雄故事,可能是史实或是传奇,或二者兼有

记忆方法: 1)首字母MLS想成木兰诗<==巾帼传奇

          2)传奇的意思是无法确认来源的历史故事mean a traditional story of ostensibly historical content whose origin has been lost or forgotten.